You are unique, with your own specific goals for the future, and your own unique preferences about how to go about achieving them.
At Woodbury, we don’t believe any single advice or investment firm (however large or global in reach) has a monopoly on ‘brilliance’ across all areas we require to build investment solutions for clients. While our clients are successful people and expect to have access to best-in-class investment solutions, it’s always in the context of working with a trusted partner who can bring it all together, understands and simplifies their complexity, keeps the big picture view of their overall strategy and situation front of mind, and has their back without being conflicted by financial products or self-interest. This is the role Woodbury plays for our clients.
Our investment offering provides:
Woodbury provides three types of investment offerings. Each offering differs with regard to the degree of complexity, scale, customisation and cost of investment solutions required.
For more detail about each particular offering, and which may be the best fit for your situation, please contact our office.
High Net Worth and Ultra-High Net Worth investors expect and deserve a higher touch, personalised service. Our boutique model combining in-house expertise and customisation, together with use of external specialist providers, is the ideal structure to provide deep personal client knowledge, trust and depth of relationship, while at the same time providing access to a wide global doorway of best-practice leading strategies and solutions. Add to this the depth of experience and capability of our team that allows us to expertly build an overall wealth and/or investment solution that meets your objectives, and you have the best of both worlds!
This combination is something large institutions and investment houses have failed to master. It’s one thing to be big and global, but the challenge for big firms is to leverage it for the benefit of client outcomes in a cost-effective manner. In our approach, we can cost-effectively access and leverage the best ‘bits’ of large global firms while leaving behind the parts that don’t work for our clients … and we are not tied to using in-house product lines or implementing single ‘house views’ like large investment and advisory firms are.
Woodbury has a significant amount of experience working with the existing investment providers used by new clients. For investments, the great benefit of our consulting approach is that we can ‘plug and play’ existing providers into various parts of a solution, and insert other capabilities or providers into the gaps in the portfolio around them if/as required. We provide the overall investment strategy and strategic asset allocation to meet your objectives and any existing providers you want to retain become part of the ‘building blocks’ used to fill out the overall portfolio.